Outlining Woes

Posted by Unknown | | Posted On Monday, February 17, 2014 at 1:22 PM

Last week, I started outlining the rest of the novel. The main points were quite easy. I beginning phases of the novel plus the climax and ending were already envisioned (for the most part). One thing I that I have become stuck working on is the middle portion. You know, the majority of the book...

For the main plot line, I am looking at three pivotal complications (estimate based on word counts). There are subplots to flesh out as well. These subplots will not be as difficult fleshing out because they are inherent to certain characters, mainly the antagonist(s). In saying antagonist(s), there is a central antagonist as well as some smaller ones, that while main characters, are not the central driving force. At certain times of the novel, these antagonists carry different weights in opposing the protagonist at different times.

In order to introduce (the powers of) the characters centered around the main character better, I am considering adding additional scene in the first chapter. This would only work in the first chapter because it directly relates to dialogue of these supporting characters and their recent actions. I plan to write the scene, but I feel that it is not fully needed.

I will post the scene later when it is finished and decide whether to keep it or drop it. I need to get back to writing. I promise to post a snippet next time. Need to decide on an appropriate scene to introduce to everyone. There are a couple of scenes I need to either edit or cut from the book.

-Donald A. Robinson

Progress update: Outline ~50% completed.


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